Tuesday 3 March 2015


We have four classrooms from across the globe that we have joined as Quadblogging buddies.  Each week a classroom has the responsibility of hosting the session, creating posts for the other 4 classrooms to reply too.

check out what Quadblogging is all about here

Kia Ora!

Our Quadblogging buddies are




and Mr. Hoskings- Austrailia

Monday 2 March 2015

It's hereeeeeeee!

WOW! We were fascinated at how our classroom looked, we had no idea that it would be that light to be able to move it so easily.  Here are some of our recounts of the event.

We are KC kids!

So what happens when 75 kids are allowed to choose from a range of activities?  Caos? Nope!  Our wonderful Rimu Community kids were enjoying activities and demonstrating our KC Kids values!

The activities were sandpit play, drawing outside, constructing with materials, reading or playing an unsupervised game of Octopus.  It was an opportunity for us teachers to observe children playing without adults interfering or instructing.  It was a pleasure to stand back and watch our kids, something we don't get a lot of time to do.

Saturday 21 February 2015

In complete awe

We have been lucky to have such warm weather for the Monarch caterpillars.  It's not very often you get to see caterpillars spin their chrysalis.  We also witnessed the final moult of it's skin.

We captured the initial spinning which took over 12 minutes, we were still watching at home time :-)

Have you got any Monarch caterpillars at home?  Have you seen a caterpillar spin it's chrysalis before?  Tell us about it in the comments.

Friday 6 February 2015

What goes up must come down

The Year 7 and 8's organised an exciting and busy day for the rest of the school and our community.  One activity was using the giant Jenga blocks.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Ready Set Go!

Having some fun with Alessandra and Brooke, our seniors who organised three legged race, sack races and egg and spoon races.

Thanks girls for an amazing job in organising and explaining your activity :-)

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Movie Makers

With our inquiry learning about what makes plants great coming to an end, we thought we would like to be story tellers.

We watched a variety of Maori legends to piggy back some ideas.  We also watched one of Mrs P's teacher friends movie about nits.

We have been looking at the characters and the settings.

Leave a comment about how the set was made (what materials were used) and how the character is made (strings, sock puppet, painting)

  • Name of the movie
  • How the character moves
  • How the background was made
  • Name of who left the comment

Here are some of the movies we like

Rata and the God of the forest

Here are some more movies we like

Tangaroa's Gift

Maui and the Sun